Master Services
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MSc programmes
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Knowledge base
Starting the Master
Introduction activities
Kick-Off event activities (per programme) 2025-2026
2024 Master Kick-off
MScBA Accounting & Financial Management - 2024-2025 Kick-Off
MScBA Business Analytics & Management 2024-2025 Kick-Off
MSc Business Information Management - 2024-2025 Kick-Off
View all 15
Overview of main communication platforms
Where can I find more information on my courses?
Do I need to register for my courses?
Where can I find the course schedules?
How do I access SIN-Online?
View all 6
Applying for a second master
Continue the Master
I want to apply for a second master at RSM. What do I need to do?
I only need to complete my thesis in the next academic year, do I need to enroll starting 1 September?
I missed the deadline to re-enroll for the courses during my second year. What should I do?
Curriculum - course guides
MSc Programmes
RSM Honours Classes
During the Master
Practical matters
Student participation
MSc academic calendar
When do my exams take place?
When are school holidays?
Where can I find information about programme committees?
View all 19
Elective Registration - Rules & General Information
How do elective rounds work? (Master Programme Electives round and Open Elective round)
What is my study situation?
MSc elective registration FAQ document
When can I register for the electives?
View all 32
Master Free Electives
Master Free elective information (per programme) 2023-2024
MScBA Accounting & Financial Management
MSc Business Information Management
MSc Finance & Investments
MSc Global Business & Sustainability
View all 14
Switch periods
Can I switch electives between the Master Programme Electives round and the Open Elective round?
I was not allocated to my favorite elective and it is full. What are my options?
I missed one of the preference ranking rounds. What are my options?
Can I drop a course after the switch period?
I am a recidivist student and want to improve the result of an elective that I have completed last academic year.
View all 8
Erasmus+ Grant for exchange
Erasmus+ Grant for internship
Can I receive an Erasmus+ grant for my CEMS internship even if I received an Erasmus+ grant for a bachelor internship?
Additional DUO study finance for third semester
Dual Degree
Enrollment and re-enrollment at RSM outgoing Dual Degree
Erasmus+ grant for Dual Degree
Enrollment and re-enrollment at RSM incoming Dual Degree
Bocconi University course for MFE conversion (for incoming Bocconi students only)
Degree postponement outgoing Dual Degree
Master exams, grades and thesis
Thesis Manual
Thesis Online Platform
When does my thesis trajectory start?
How do I contact my thesis coordinator?
Can I do my thesis together with a fellow student?
View all 18
Exams and resits
Exam and resit procedures
How do I register for exam(s)?
Where is my exam and what should I bring?
Rules for Online Proctored Exams
What is an Online Proctored Exam?
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Online exams
What do I need for my online (proctored) exam?
Is there anything I need to be aware of before taking an online exam? Tips and checks
What is the 'integrity statement'?
How can I access my exam?
When do I need to be ready to start the online exam?
View all 10
Study Results and Highest Result Rule
What is considered cheating and plagiarism?
What are the sanctions for cheating and plagiarism?
Are there citing and referencing guidelines?
What does the abbreviated grade "VD" mean?
View all 12
Finishing the Master
Postponement of degree issuing
What is postponement of degree issuance?
How can I postpone the issuing of my master's degree and stay enrolled?
Postponement degree issuance outgoing Dual Degree
Deregistration and diploma
Diploma - active conferral of your degree
Diploma - passive conferral of your degree
Receiving your diploma
View all 6
Graduation ceremony
About to finish your master?
Graduation ceremony
Student service departments
BSc Programme Management IBA
Contact Information BSc Programme Management
What is the visiting address of BSc Programme Management?
Student Charter Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)
BSc Programma Management Bedrijfskunde
Contact informatie
Kan ik langskomen bij BSc Programma Management?
MSc Programme Management
How do I contact the MSc programme managers?
Student Advisers
Who are the student advisers?
Contact IBA | How can you reach the student advisers?
Contact MSc | How can you reach the student advisers?
Study skills
Studying with a functional impairment
View all 14
Wie zijn de studieadviseurs?
Hoe maak ik een afspraak bij de studieadviseur?
Hoe kun je de studieadviseurs bereiken?
Contact MSc | Hoe kun je de studieadviseurs bereiken?
View all 11
Examination Board
What are the tasks of the Examination Board?
Where can I find the Examination Regulations?
How can I submit a request to the Examination Board?
How to apply for permission to follow a Bachelor elective course outside RSM?
Can I apply for an extra exam opportunity?
View all 30
Waar kan ik de Examenreglementen vinden?
Is het mogelijk om een verzoek aan de Examencommissie per e-mail in te dienen?
Wat zijn de taken van de Examencommissie?
Kan ik een afspraak maken met een lid van de Examencommissie?
Hoe vraag ik een vrijstelling aan?
View all 26
Career Centre
RSM Career Centre
RSM Career Centre contact details
How can RSM Career Centre help me?
How and where can I ask career related questions?
How can I get personal feedback?
View all 20
Exchange Office
Exchange Office
Admissions & Orientation
Student life, wellbeing and facilities
Wellbeing activities
Spiritual Counselling
Student wellbeing
What are my options for counselling?
Is there a diversity and inclusion initiative at RSM?
View all 8
Well-being activiteiten
Is er een initiatief voor diversiteit en inclusie bij RSM?
Reglement ordehandhaving EUR gebouwen en terreinen
Wat zijn de regels, richtlijnen en voorschriften op de EUR?
Where can I print or make copies on campus?
University Library
Sport & Entertainment
Does the university offer language courses?
Where can I get a CEFR certificate?
View all 38
Waar kan ik een print of kopie maken op campus?
Waar kan ik studieboeken kopen?
Wat zijn mijn opties voor begeleiding?
Sport & Entertainment
View all 22
Study Associations
Which student associations focus on Diversity and Inclusion?
Stay connected
Alumni Social Media Connections
During your study
Copyright rules of teaching materials
Can I share the study materials from my courses with other parties, such as commercial tutoring organizations, or upload them in other websites in the internet?
Master admission for RSM students
Generative AI RSM student guidance
Tijdens jouw studie
Auteursrechten van les materialen
Mag ik les materialen van mijn studie delen met anderen, zoals bijles organisaties, of uploaden op andere websites?
RSM generative AI richtlijnen
Undesirable behaviour
Undesirable behaviour
What can I do if I encounter sexual harassment?
What can I do if I encounter bullying or discrimination?
What can I do if someone displays undesirable behaviour?
I feel discriminated against – what can I do?
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