Under certain predefined conditions and for certain predefined goals, RSM will accommodate students who wish to extend their studies to complete an Internship or go on Exchange by postponing issuance of their degree. 

In order to qualify for a postponement of degree issuing, you need to meet the following conditions:

Master Exchange conditions*:

  • You must have completed all curricular components, including your thesis, in the nominal timespan of the programme; 
  • You must have been selected for an international exchange by the RSM Exchange Office; 
  • You are only permitted to pursue an exchange during Fall 2024 

Internship conditions: 

  • You must have completed all curricular components, including your thesis, in the nominal timespan of the programme. 
  • You must have arranged, or be in the process of arranging, an internship following completion of the one-year degree programme. 
  • The internship, or the intention to do an internship, must have been registered with RSM’s Career Centre well in advance of the deadline and the ‘Postponement Active Degree Issuance Internship EEA’ form must have been completed and submitted by 15 June 2024.

Which students CANNOT apply for postponement of issuing the degree?

  • Students who have not yet completed all their curriculum components (there is no need for postponement, since your degree will not yet be issued in this case);
  • Students who have not studied nominally (you do not meet the general conditions);
  • Students who want to improve a sufficient result (this is not a predefined goal).

Please refer to the Postponement Degree Issuance 2024 document for complete information about the programmes and goal-specific arrangements linked here

* Note that this only applies to the following MSc Programmes:

  • MSc BA Master in Management 
  • MSc BA Part-time Master in Management 
  • and MSc BA Business Analytics and Management

In all other MSc Programmes students must leave their Master Free Elective open!