You need to be ready for the exam 30 minutes before the start of the test. You will need to perform several checks. For an online examination with online proctoring, you will need to identify yourself. You do this by holding your physical proof of identity (driving license, passport or identity card) in front of the camera. You must cover up sensitive personal data such as your personal identification number (BSN) when identifying yourself for the examination. Moreover, additional technical checks for the microphone, camera and internet connection will take place.

Tip: Clear the cookies in the Chrome-browser before the start of your exam to avoid login-problems. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the Chrome-browser and click History > History > Clear browsing data.

Tip: Exam software does not work in protected (company) internet environments and computers. Please make sure to use a regular Wi-Fi/ethernet connection.

For additional tips and checks, please read here.