Do you want to follow an elective outside of RSM, and let it count towards your B3 Elective space? Then you always need to ask for permission from the Examination Board before the start of the course. In this article you can read more about the conditions, the application procedure and which electives have already been approved before by the Examination Board. 


The general policy of the Examination Board regarding elective courses from another faculty or university is as follows: 

  1. The course must be part of an accredited programme at a Dutch university or a foreign research-driven university;
  2. The course must have a level equivalent to the RSM course;
  3. In terms of content, skills, attitude and testing, the course must sufficiently fit the specified exit qualifications for the programme;
  4. The course must have added value for the programme, which is why there should not be too much overlap with mandatory parts of the RSM programme concerned;
  5. The course is not used for another programme being taken by the student in question;
  6. The student must take the course and sit the examination while he or she is enrolled at RSM as a student.

For more information about the elective policy, please refer to the article Can I do an elective course at another faculty/university? 


If you want to follow an elective outside of RSM, you need to request permission from the Examination Board before the start of the course via Osiris Case in Osiris Student. 

Before you submit your request, please check whether the course you want to follow is on the list of approved elective courses at the bottom of this article. You need to indicate this in your request in Osiris Case. Only courses offered at other faculties at Erasmus University Rotterdam are included on the list. You always need to ask for permission, even if the course is on the list of approved courses! 

If the course that you want to follow is not on the list, you can still apply for permission from the Examination Board. You always need to upload an official course description (in Dutch or English) in your request in Osiris Case.

It is not necessary to request permission from the Examination Board if you want to follow a RSM elective.

You can only submit your request after you have completed all Bachelor 1 courses!

Please note: permission will only be granted if all of the conditions as specified above are met (even if the course is included on the list of approved elective courses). 

In order to register for the course after permission has been granted, you need to contact the School or institution that is offering the course yourself for the conditions and procedure. It may be the case that you cannot register for the course, as it may not be open to students from outside that School.

Electives at other EUR Faculties

  • For the policy and application procedure of Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) about following electives as a RSM student we refer you to the website of ESE.
  • The Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) doesn't allow non-ESSB students to follow electives, so therefore we haven't included any ESSB courses in the overview below.
  • At the Erasmus School of Law (ESL) you can only follow courses that are part of the part-time bachelor programmes, these courses have a 'D' in the course code. Please contact the ESL Student Information Centre for more information.
  • Erasmus School of Philosophy (ESP): you can find more information on the ESP website. All (elective) courses are worth 3.75 EC.
  • Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC): Please note that IBCOM courses (Media and Communication) are only open for BScIBA students, not for BSc Bedrijfskunde students (this is the policy of ESHCC). ESHCC offers electives in the field of History, Arts & Culture, and Media and Communication. Spaces are limited. 

List of approved elective courses for the B3 Elective space                                       


Faculty Course codeCourse name
ESHCCCC1005Introduction to Economics10
ESHCCCC1005AIntroduction to the Economics of Arts 5
ESHCCCC1017Marketing Arts and Culture5
ESHCCCC1018Introductie Kunst- en cultuurbeleid5
ESHCCCC1022Cultural and Creative industries5
ESHCCCC1023De culturele en creatieve industrieen5
ESHCCCC2008Values of Culture5
ESHCCCC2015Sociology, Culture and Modernity5
ESHCCCC2017Economics of Arts and Culture5
ESHCCCC2044History of the Art Market 5
ESHCCCC2050Consumption and Identity5
ESHCCCC2051Cultural & Media Studies5
ESHCCCC2053Globalisation, culture and place5
ESHCCCC3072Cultural Lifestyle and Participation5
ESHCCCC3073Research Workshop Management of Arts and Culture5
ESHCCCC3167Research Workshop: Media, Culture & Tourism5
ESHCCCC9002Art, culture and Society5
ESHCCCC9007The Cultural Economic Perspective 5
ESHCCCC9008Money and the Fine Arts5
ESHCCCC9009Creative Economy and Creative Organizations5
Cultural Heritage Studies5
ESHCCCH1106History and Social Sciences7,5
ESHCCCH1107Dutch History in a Globalizing World7,5
ESHCCCH2201International Economic Relations7,5
ESHCCCH2202International Business and nation-states7,5
ESHCCCH2204Capitalism and Inequality7,5
ESHCCCH2210Representing War in Popular Historical Culture7,5
ESHCCCH2211Urban History: Rotterdam in Global Perspective7,5
ESHCCCH2219Mobility and constructing identities in the context of globalization7,5
ESHCCCH2221World Politics after Empire7,5
ESHCCCH2207Social and Cultural History7,5
ESHCCCH2223Biopower: Feeding, Breeding and Bleeding for World Domination 1870-1950
History of Modern Societies
History of Early Modern Societies
ESHCCCH2225Doing history in the digital era 7,5
Media Industries: Trends and Strategies
ESHCCCM2040Media Campaigns5
ESHCCCM2091Media, Games, and Creative Industry5
ESHCCCM2079Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Media and Creative Industries5
ESHCCCM2089Message Framing and Persuasion5
ESHCCCM1001Introduction in Human communication5
ESHCCCM2093 Digital Marketing5
ESHCCCM2043International Journalism5
ESHCCCM4110Leadership communication: strategies and trends5
ESHCCCM2071Science Fiction and Media5
ESHCCCM2092Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Social Design5
ESHCCCM3010Communication Ethics5
ESHCCCM2005Quantitative Methods in Media and Communication 5
ESHCCCM2293Digital Marketing5
ESHCCCM2230Media and Politics 5
ESHCCCM2095Crisis Management: Leadership in Action5
ESHCCCM2094Sustainability Communication: Systemic Approaches5
ESHCCCM2074/CM2274Social Media Marketing 5
ESHCCCM1007Communication Technologies and their Impacts5
ESHCCCM2001International and Global Communication5
ESHCCCM2033The Business of Media5
ESHCCCM2088Digital Media and Health5
ESHCCCM2072Consumer Behavior & Marketing Action5
ESHCCCM9006Communication as a Social Force5
ESHCCCM2062Consumer Behavior & Marketing Action 5
ESHCCCM2011Digital Content5
ESHCCCM2081Public Speaking5
ESHCCCM2029Digital Media Analysis5
ESHCCCM2049AGlobal Advertising5
ESHCC CM2083Consumer Behavior and Brand Loyalty5
Advanced Qualitative Methods
EUCEUC-ECB210Applied Game Theory5
EUCEUC-INT311History, Politics & Economics of European Integration5
ESEFEB12001Toegepaste micro-economie8
ESEFEB12001XApplied Microeconomics8
ESEFEB12004Internationale Economie8
ESEFEB12004XInternational Economics8
ESEFEB12006Geschiedenis van het economisch denken4
ESEFEB12006XHistory of Economic Thought 4
ESEFEB12007Intermediate Accounting8
ESEFEB12007XIntermediate Accounting 8
ESEFEB12008Administratieve en comptabele informatie 1a4
ESEFEB12010Fiscale economie4
ESEFEB12012Inleiding Econometrie8
ESEFEB12012XIntroduction to Econometrics8
ESEFEB13012Consumer Behaviour4
ESEFEB13021Money, Credit & Banking4
ESEFEB13023Labour Economics4
ESEFEB13027Economics of Sustainability 4
ESEFEB13031Fiscaal Concernrecht4
ESEFEB13048Fiscaal Ondernemerschap4
ESEFEB13050Economics of Markets and Organisation4
ESEFEB13053Health Economics4
ESEFEB13061Behavioural Economics4
ESEFEB13068Political Economy4
ESEFEB13085International Trade and Trade Policy4
ESEFEB13089Economics & Genetics4
ESEFEB13092Sports Economics4
ESEFEB13105Public Finance4
ESEFEB22004Econometrie 14
ESEFEB22004XEconometrics 14
ESEFEB22005Econometrie 24
ESEFEB22005XEconometrics 24
ESEFEB22008Markov processen4
ESEFEB22008XMarkov processes4
ESEFEB23005The Practice of Financial Markets4
ESEFEB23010Monetary Economics4
ESEFEB33004 Enterprise Information Systems 4
ESEFEB13012 Consumer Behaviour4
ESEFEB13069New Research Methods in Data Analytics4
ESEFEB13044Introduction to Strategy Economics 4
ESEFEB13086EFR-Involve Research Project4
ESEFEB13022Werkcollege Stock Pricing and Investment Strategies 12
ESEFEB13022XSeminar Stock Pricing and Investment Strategies12
ESEFEB13040Seminar Interest Rates and Stock Markets12
ESEFEB13096Entrepreneurial Finance4
ESEFEB43004Formeel bestuurs- en belastingrecht4
Ethiek, Rationaliteit en Emotie (no longer offered as of 2024-2025)
ESPFW-ED3004Ethical Aspects of Economics 7,5
ESPFW-ED3005 Values, welfare and cooperation3,75
Logic, Information, and Communication
ESPFW-ED3022Being an Erasmian: Erasmus, Erasmian Values and Our World Today3,75
ESPFW-FMC2006Ontologie en Metafysica 1: Edmund Husserl en de Intersubjectiviteit 3,75
Het (moderne en postmoderne) subject (no longer offered as of 2024-2025)
Ecophilosophy: Beyond Sustainability and Environment (no longer offered as of 2024-2025)
Human Conditions II (no longer offered as of 2024-2025)
ESPFW-HIS1019The High Enlightment (no longer offered as of 2024-2025)3,75
ESPFW-HIS1020Immanuel (no longer offered as of 2024-2025)3,75
ESPFW-HIS20Middeleeuwen en Renaissance3,75
ESPFW-HIS2020Descartes en Spinoza3,75
De historisering van het wereldbeeld in de negentiende eeuw I (no longer offered as of 2024-2025)
De historisering van het wereldbeeld in de negentiende eeuw II (no longer offered as of 2024-2025)
ESPFW-PF1010Social and Political Philosophy (no longer offered as of 2024-2025)3,75
ESPFW-PF1011Moral Philosophy (no longer offered as of 2024-2025)3,75
ESPFW-PPE003 Welfare and Cooperation7,5
ESPFW-WB3924Early Enlightenment (no longer offered as of 2024-2025)3,75
ESPFW-WB3925Essential Contemporary Challenges: Philosophy and Practice (no longer offered as of 2024 - 2025)3,75
ESPFW-WB3915CEcophilosophy (no longer offered as of 2024-2025)3,75
ESPFW-WB3916BTechnology and Social Change3,75
ESPFW-WB3916FPhilosophy of science3,75
ESPFW-WB3931Technology and Social Change3,75
ESPFW-WB3926Human Conditions I (no longer offered as of 2024-2025)
ESPFW-WB3927Thought Experiments (no longer offered as of 2024-2025)
ESHPMGW1615BSociaal Medische Wetenschappen6
ESHPMGW1618BAlgemene Economie van de Gezondheidszorg6
ESHPMGW4005MDHealth Service Operations Management5
ESHPMGW307Global Challenges in Health & Behaviour5
ESLRB18Jaarrekeningenrecht & toezicht verslaggeving5
ESLRB69Financial Litigation5
ESLRC111Inleiding Criminologie6
ESLRC108Criminaliteit en Samenleving7,5
ESLRC111Inleiding Criminologie6
ESLRC215Aard, Omvang en Schade6
ESLRC218Criminele carrieres6
ESLRC212Theoretische criminologie6
ESLRC314Preventie en bestraffing6
ESLRC316Migratie, diversiteit en criminaliteit6
ESLRC112Inleiding rechtswetenschap voor Criminologen7
Bedrijfseconomie en fiscaal comptabele toepassingen
Heffingen Lokale Overheden
Openbare financiƫn
Formeel belastingrecht
Inleiding Internationaal en Europees belastingrecht
ESLRD111Inleiding Rechtswetenschap7
ESLRD114Inleiding Privaatrecht7
ESLRD112Inleiding in staats en bestuursrecht7
ESLRD113Inleiding Strafrecht7
ESLRD116Introduction to International and European Union Law7
ESLRD117Inleiding fiscaal recht7
ESLRD118Empirical Legal Studies6
ESLRD121Recht, economie en maatschappij7
ESLRD217Materieel strafrecht7
ESLRD213Burgerlijk procesrecht 7
ESLRD212Goederen- en Insolventierecht7
ESLRD218European Union Law7
ESLRD216Formeel Strafrecht7
ESLRD213Burgerlijk procesrecht 7
ESLRD119Juridisch-Academische Vaardigheden I5
ESLRD314Public International Law7
ESLRQ06Fusies en Overnames5
ESLRQ89Coporate & White-collar crime and Governance5