If you object to a decision of an examiner (e.g. assessments) or the Examination Board you may lodge an appeal with the Examination Appeals Board (in Dutch College van Beroep voor de Examens (CBE)) of Erasmus University Rotterdam.


The appeal has to be lodged within six weeks of the announcement of the disputed decision. 

You can submit your notice of appeal online with the EUR Legal Procedures facility. You can find the online service point on the website of the Erasmus Student Service Centre (ESSC) under the heading "Legal position". After submitting your appeal you will receive a confirmation of receipt and your notice of appeal will, often on the same day, be forwarded to the Examination Appeals Board for further treatment.

You can also submit your notice of appeal per mail ([email protected]) or in writing by sending it to the EUR Legal Protection Facility. The address is EUR Faciliteit Rechtsbescherming, Erasmus Building, room A1-53, P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam.

Before the CBE-EUR deals with the appeal, there is a settlement phase, in which the Examination Board concerned attempts to settle the lawsuit amicably (= formal amicable settlement attempt). 

The CBE-EUR assumes that the complainant him/herself will first have made contact with the examiner concerned or with the Examination Board, in order to try to reach agreement (=material amicable settlement attempt). Account should be taken of the fact that meanwhile the period of six weeks for lodging an appeal with the CBE-EUR continues to run. In view of this, a provisional appeal can be lodged for the interim. 

If the settlement attempt fails, parties will be invited to a sitting of the Examination Appeals Board. The sitting is in Dutch. Foreign students are recommended to take an interpreter with them to the sitting. 

If you disagrees with the decision of the CBE-EUR regarding your objection, you can lodge an appeal with the Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak within six weeks of receipt of the decision, see also https://www.raadvanstate.nl/studentenzaken.

For further information about the appeals procedure, please refer to the EUR website.  

Further information about the procedure can also be obtained from the Secretary of the CBE-EUR by e-mail to [email protected].

Below you will find a schematic overview of the appeals procedure: