Bachelor students may submit a request for a course exemption based on previous education. A request for exemption must be submitted as soon as possible after the start of the academic year, but no later than 4 weeks before the start of the course to be exempted.

Requests which have been submitted too late, or which are incomplete, will not be processed.

Within the master and premaster programmes no exemptions will be granted. 

Submitting your request

Requests can be submitted via Osiris Case in Osiris Student, accompanied by all relevant documents (i.e. certificates, lists of grades, course descriptions, literature, etc.). Note: a (certified copy of a) certificate, grade transcript or diploma will not be accepted in digital form, instead it has to be submitted in its original form to the Examination Board for verification.

You will need to submit a separate request in Osiris Case for each course that you would like to receive an exemption for, in other words it is not possible to request for multiple exemptions in one request. 

The Examination Board will review requests according to the following conditions:

  • The time spent on the subject (possibly expressed in credits) should at least be equal to the time allotted to that subject;
  • As regards to contents and level, there should be sufficient correlation between the study matter on the basis of which the applicant hopes to qualify for an exemption. The work procedures and objectives of the subjects taken for which exemptions are being sought should correspond, as indicated by the documents submitted. In addition, there should be an accompanying letter showing which components of the subject matter correspond to which components (case studies, exam components) of the subject or subjects for which exemption is sought;
  • The documents should show that the applicant has passed all subjects for which exemption is sought with satisfactory grades;
  • It is not permitted to use one and the same course completed during your previous education as a basis for more than one exemption in the RSM bachelor programme.  

The Examination Board shall take a decision on the basis of the documents and the assessment of the lecturers responsible for the subjects concerned. Decisions will be announced as soon as possible, preferably no later than four weeks after submission of a complete request.


Please note, granted exemptions cannot be reversed, not even on request. In addition, an examination part (i.e. course) that has already been passed cannot be exempted anymore.

Registration exemption

No credits or grades for exemptions will be shown on the grade list. An exemption will not affect the GPA, as it is recorded as a non-numeric result “VR” (in Dutch) or “EXEMPT” (in English). This information is important in connection with student performance grants and in recognition of a ‘cum laude’ classification.