If you are dissatisfied with the guidance of a coach and/or co-reader, it is important to address the issue directly with the coach and/or co-reader and/or thesis coordinator as soon as possible and well before the thesis will be graded. After grading, nothing can be adjusted anymore. Also keep in mind that the management of the process is a component of the assessment matrix: the student is supposed to take charge of the thesis process and to plan sufficient meetings with the coach and co-reader.
Can the issue not be resolved by the above informal approach? Then you can submit a formal complaint to the Examination Board via its web portal. All relevant applicable documents, such as the coach and/or co-reader’s and/or thesis coordinator’s response, must be attached to this submission. The Examination Board will investigate the complaint on the basis of the submitted documents and will conduct its own research in conjunction with these. Both the complainant and the involved examiners will be heard in the following investigation. Within six weeks of lodging the complaint, the Examination Board will inform the complainant of its subsequent findings and any conclusions that may have been drawn.
Please note: A complaint with the Examination Board cannot concern the grade awarded. If the grade does not live up to expectations, the student may lodge an appeal with the Examination Appeals Board via the EUR Legal Procedures Facility at legal.procedures@eur.nl. The appeal has to be submitted within six weeks of the announcement of the grade.